life skills

Putting Into Practice Life Skills

The life skills program focuses on developing and strengthening the transferable skills used in one’s daily life. In this aspect of the Creating Alternatives program, participants are encouraged to grasp and strengthen skills to develop a greater sense of independence, autonomous living, and functional day-to-day skills. This program also promotes building relationships and discussing topics surrounding living with roommates, personal boundaries in your home and dealing with conflict.

Household Skills

Daily household tasks including loading/unloading the dishwasher, ensuring cutlery is clean, setting the table, making the bed and ensuring the floors are swept/mopped/vacuumed, are practiced and taught within this program. Other household skills such as dishwashing, laundry, gardening, dusting, sanitizing, and organizing various spaces, are explored in this program.

Community Skills

Skill development in this program is taught, learned, and practiced in the community where skills are naturally used. These skills include using public transportation, making choices in restaurants, community safety, reading maps, navigating the grocery store, learning to use a debit/credit card, and understanding budgets.

program components